It’s time to nail your schedule at work and home.
Time management doesn’t have to be boring, and it feels SO good to get everything done.
If you feel like you're drowning in your to do list, learn from a time management expert (me!) with simple strategies that will actually help you feel on top of things.
Life, family and a successful career was going to be fun right?
But you didn’t know you’d end up:
Resentful of your family
Desperate for time alone
Constantly behind or disengaged at work
Feeling like you could be doing more in everything you do...
You barely have any outside support with managing work and life. What you need is a proven method to help you become the accomplished, happy woman you always wanted to be.
Hey, I’m Georgie.
I’m a project manager, turned work/life balance and goal setting coach for women.
After I became a Mum and returned to my career, my carefully managed work, home and gym schedule went out the window.
I was racing from meeting to meeting, out the office door to daycare bang on 5pm, watching the clock so I could get my toddler to bed by 7, then back on the laptop as soon as she was down.
I felt overwhelmed and like I could be doing a better job in literally everything I was doing.
I knew things needed to change.
I started with planning my days, then my weeks, and finally I created my coaching program for myself and my clients.
you can also find me at…
What Clients Are Saying
“People close to me say how relaxed and happy I seem since coaching with Georgie, and that I’m not so worried about the unknown and what I can’t control. A friend even said that my eyes look lighter and brighter!”
— Ann Pocock
“The biggest change that I’ve noticed from coaching is that I am more comfortable and confident in taking time for me, without the guilt that used to come with it.”
— Sally Wadsworth
Last week I discovered Chat GPT can summarise long PDFs super quickly, so given all the learning I love to do, I thought I’d play around with some of my old coaching school materials.
As I uploaded the second PDF, I thought, what am I doing?