About You…
Maybe you’re an airline pilot who doesn’t know when her next trip will be,
Maybe you’re a lawyer who has to work 60 hour weeks…
Maybe you’re a personal trainer who works early and late hours,
Maybe you’re a mum with 3 small kids?
I can’t imprint a schedule over the top of each of those.
But what I can do is show you how to plan your time in a way that feels good when you’re planning…
And more importantly feels good when you go to DO the things you said you were going to do.
The Missing Piece
This is where most people fall off – they love the planning, they have the latest journal, or colour coordinated post it notes, and love making it all pretty.
But then at 11am on Tuesday, they’re like “I can’t be bothered to do that work presentation” or “I don’t want to fold the laundry.”
That’s where my coaching swoops in.
How We Can Work Together
Since 2016, I’ve been impacting client’s lives in a way that feels great to them.
From there they’ve reached goals like:
Changing careers with confidence
Creating a smooth morning routine so their kids (and they!) no longer lose it
No longer feeling panicked throughout the day while they juggle all aspects of their lives
As a twice certified coach, inner voice facilitator and project manager, there’s a few ways we can work together:
My self-paced, all encompassing course for mums – The Balanced Mum Method
1:1 Private Time Management Coaching for maximum efficiency in your work and personal life
The Not Dead Yet Program, for those ready to set big life-changing goals
In the meantime, my Work/Life Balance Calculator is on me so you can get a taste of what we can do together – you can download it for free.
More About Me
I live in Melbourne, Australia
I’m a mum to a little girl and a black cat named Pickles
I love pilates, walking along the river at lunchtime, and taking my weekly 80s dance class
I love coffee, pinot noir and cheese
I can sleep anywhere, any time
I can’t live without my girlfriends
I can’t wait to work together!